Having endurance is the ability to push forward even when fatigued-so this 45-minute ride is aerobic and designed to build stamina. The Spin Bike Workout to Boost Cardio Endurance 4 x 40-second push in saddle with light to moderate resistance, followed by 20-second recoveryģ.Repeat above intervals and recovery one more time.1-minute recovery in saddle at low to moderate resistance and speed.8 x 20-second push in third position with moderate resistance followed by 10-second recovery.5-minute warmup at light to moderate pace.“The results are geared towards maximum calorie burn and fat loss, and this 30-minute sequence is ideal for either beginners or veterans,” says Poulin. In this type of HIIT workout, the intervals are intense and quick with a small recovery window. repeat previous 2 steps for a total of 3 rounds.3 minutes at moderate pace in saddle or third position.30-second sprint followed by 30-second easy cycle alternate for 6 minutes.3-minute warmup at light to moderate pace in the saddle and/or third position.“It’s ideal for a fantastic calorie burn,” says Poulin. No hills here: This 30-minute workout was designed for high accelerations at low to moderate resistance. 4 Anything-But-Boring Spin Bike Workouts 1.